There is nothing quite like summer in Missoula. We kinda wait all year long for summer in Missoula- and then it is an all-out summer fun extravaganza for as long as it will let us get away with it. We have been having a blast all summer long. And yes, the lack of updated posts definitely lends one to believe that we have indeed been busy. School lasted only the first 5 weeks (online class longer) - I had to devote most of my free time to studying, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves outdoors, hiking, swimming, camping and catching up with friends. Serious quality time these days. Some of the highlights so far have been: Holland Lake with Grandpa & Grandma, camping in Whitefish with the Anderson's, floating down the river in our new family raft, barbeques and firepits with friends, late nights outside, swimming and bike rides.
This summer Sophie and Noah have both become very confident in the water. Sophie can really 'swim' and loves to go underwater. Noah is learning fast and insists on doing things himself even if he is not quite ready! He learned how to ride a big boys bike in June and whizzes around the block on his shiny red bike. He is now in his big boy bed and is getting pretty good with potty training (especially now that he gets an m&m each time!) He started preschool in June and although it took a couple of weeks to adjust he is enjoying it. He is still as sweet and cute as can be, and loves to cuddle. Sophie loves the new swing that Daddy built her outside and can touch the trees she swings so high - enough to make Mommy and Daddy have to look away! She is always busy with one project or another, and has pretty much stopped napping in the afternoons. She loves her artwork and is getting interested in reading - exciting!
Floating has become a twice to three times a week occurrence for us lately and we can't get enough of it. Diego comes along sometimes and swims along with us. Sophie gets in and likes to swim in the rapids. All in all it has been an amazing summer - I can't believe how much we have done, and I can't believe fall is right around the corner. We will undoubtedly soak up any and all fun left to be had before those leaves start to fall (which is also a magical time of year, it is just the impending winter that looms beyond it that keeps me from wishing for fall...)
We still have more camping on the agenda as well as a first time family road trip down to Denver to hang out with the entire Beesley posse for a week! So to quote an old time fav...."summer lovin' had me a blast, summer lovin' happened so fast...."
so funny.... I started a blog post after my birthday - haven't finished it - but it's called "summer lovin' had me a blast." FUnny how that phrase just gets stuck in our heads this time of year! Good to see your post and photos!
ReplyDeleteI love it .... it was worth the wait!!! please please email me those photo's of the kids camping. that one of luke and sophie is the cutest one ever and i would love to print it for him to put on the fridge. we really missed you guys this weekend