I think the fact that there is so much anticipation that leads up to Christmas, Easter ends up getting overlooked as being a really GREAT holiday. I can count on 3 fingers the number of times I have spent Easter without any family around, and this year makes the 4th. Growing up I have such fond memories of Easter with my family, and in recent years we have spent many an Easter in New Zealand having a blast with the Orton whanau, usually near the sea. It wasn't until last week that I realized we would be spending Easter alone this year, and although I would not say I was 'panicking', I was feeling a little bummed about it come Saturday... However, without any planning at all, our little family unit ended up having an absolutely perfect Easter (except that we didn't make it to church, which secretly made the day more fun...sorry Mom).
The kiddos started the day by checking out their Easter baskets and eating Cadbury eggs before breakfast. Matthew made a fresh loaf of bread and a pot of tea. The sun was shining and warm, the air was clean and fresh. We sat on the deck in our sunnies and watched the kids hunt for all their Easter eggs in under 5 minutes. The sandbox made it's spring debut, as did tea time on the deck. We built sandcastles for awhile and then packed a picnic lunch of egg salad sandwiches and headed to our favorite little spot by the river "Fort Fizzle".
I am so glad that you guys had a good day....had we known you are without family this year we would have invited you to join our crew (we were a sad little group this year but we had fun just the same)