So even though we have lived here in Montana for more than 2 years now, this is officially our first full-on winter here. Our first winter we escaped for 10 days to the warm sun blissed beaches of Hawaii and upon our return we didn't notice winter too much because we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of little Noah the moah. Last year obviously we escaped like a couple of bandits for 3 months of summer in New Zealand. So, here we are trying to survive the Cabin Fever that seems to be afflicting most of our friends and neighbors. It is funny because yesterday (Tues) when I got in the car to take Sophie to preschool I realized we hadn't even been in the car since last Thursday! And we have been having lots of fun! I have made a sort of truce with the house. It is allowed to get as messed up as it wants during the day, but before bedtime we have to do a clean sweep and go to bed with it looking as it should (this gives me peace of mind as you well know!)And I will tell you, for not actually leaving the house - we are sooo busy!! It reminds me of the early baby days when it is hard to find the time to brush your teeth! Sophie thankfully got one million craft projects for Christmas and her Birthday so we are always making something, even before breakfast sometimes...the hardest part is keeping Noah from cutting his hair with the scissors, throwing the project across the room and making sure Diego doesn't eat it or the children. It is exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time.
We are also eternally grateful for our new dog who keeps things interesting all of the time, and the most super cool invention - our ice skating rink that we have out front! The kids love it and I love it because we don't have to go very far so when the going gets too cold...we just come on back in the good ole house! (Is this the most optimistic post about the bleak winter or what?! - Who am I kidding, I can't wait for spring!!!)
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